(404) 217-2722

Atlanta, GA 30303, United States of America

What is Clinical Supervision and Why is it Important?

First, it is requirement for certification and licensure for counselors and social workers. Powell & Brodsky, (2004), defined it as a disciplined, tutorial process wherein principles are transformed into practical skills, with four overlapping foci: administrative, evaluative, clinical, and supportive”. During this process the supervisor participates with supervisees to ensure quality of clinical care. Effective supervisors observe, mentor, coach, evaluate, inspire, and create an atmosphere that promotes self-motivation, learning, and professional development. It should also be noted that supervision is “a social influence process that occurs over time, in which the supervisor participates with supervisees to ensure quality of clinical care. Participation in a clinical supervision group is said to increase one’s accountability on the journey to certification/licensure.

Individual and Group Clinical Supervision

ATCG offers both individual and group Clinical Supervision.

Weekly Clinical Supervision Groups are held. ($25 per

session/$100 monthly). 

To schedule an appointment for an initial interview to join the

group call (404) 217-2722 or email Pbrown8484@gmail.com

Certified Clinical Supervision Training

Clinical supervision is a disciplined, tutorial process wherein principles

are transformed into practical skills, with four overlapping foci: administrative, evaluative, clinical and supportive. (Powell, 2004). ATCG

offers a series of thirty (30) didactic training hours required for Clinical

Supervision certification or select 15 hours for recertification. Areas covered include: Assessment/Evaluation, Counselor Development, Management/Administration, and Professional Responsibilities. Group

or individual sessions are available. Hours have been approved by Georgia Addiction Counselors Association (GACA).Weekend, evening and individual sessions are available to accommodate work schedules. For more information call Dr. Brown. Location of training will be determined. In most cases virtual conferencing is preferred.  Contact Dr. Patricia Brown (404) 217-2722 or email pbrown8484@gmail.com for more information or to register.

The Clinical Supervision Training Series

  • Guide for Ethical Supervisors - Increase your awareness of ethical issues related to policy, procedures, laws, and how they affect your role a clinical supervisor. Interactive training. $65 (4 hours) 
  • Clinical Supervision Practice Competencies - Assess your clinical supervision knowledge and skills. Gain an understanding of your roles as a clinical supervisor and how it applies to your organization. $35 (3 hours)
  • Facilitating Productive Clinical Team Meetings: An Adventure for Clinical Supervisors - Learn to manage meetings; help increase overall participation by staff. Improve leader skills.  $35 (3 hours)
  • Quality Management and Administrative Roles - Learn to implement quality assurance programs and find balance between your administrative and counseling role. $100 (10 Hours)
  • Clinical Supervision from a Development Perspective - Explore various supervisory models that can enhance the clinical supervisor-supervisee relationship and improve the learning experience. Learn to develop team leaders.  $100 (10 Hours)
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